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  • Dunderberg goblin and his crew; they swept on across Haverstraw Bay, and by Croton Point, and through the Tappaan Zee, and under the

    Bracebridge Hall, or The Humorists Washington Irving 1821

  • Tappaan Zee, and about Weehawk, and even down as far as Hoboken; and her appearance was supposed to be ominous of the approaching squall in public affairs, and the downfall of Dutch domination.

    Bracebridge Hall, or The Humorists Washington Irving 1821

  • Sometimes it was by the flashes of the thunder-storm lighting up a pitchy night, and giving glimpses of her careering across Tappaan Zee, or the wide waste of

    Bracebridge Hall, or The Humorists Washington Irving 1821


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